Required where:
- Where the answer to the Trees and/or Hedges questions on the application form is 'Yes'
- Where there are trees and/or hedges within the application site or on land adjacent to it that could influence or be affected by the development, including street trees
- Any loss of trees
If you feel the proposal will not affect trees or will not affect trees of any significant value in amenity, habitat, screening or other attribute please provide a written statement clearly setting out such reasons which should include annotated images.
An arboriculturist should undertake a survey and appraisal of trees on the application site and adjoining land and produce the following information, consistent with the standards set out in British Standard 5837:2012:
Trees to be felled and retained should be clearly marked on a plan. The accompanying data table should provide information on all appropriate attributes that may be useful in allowing understanding of the trees. For example, it should include details of species, height, spread, age, condition, useful life expectancy and so on.
A tree/ hedge constraints plan should show root protection areas and the canopy spread of the tree(s) on the site and adjoining land, to include shade patterns and all information as required within BS5837
As well as the trees, the survey must indicate key landscape features such as ponds, hedges and wildlife corridors that may be affected by the proposed development
For larger applications it will also be appropriate to provide the landscape strategy for the site, including indications of new planting.
An Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree/ Hedge Protection Plan should be provided detailing the measures to be taken to protect all trees proposed to be retained on the submitted drawings. This should be accompanied by schedules of any necessary facilitative tree work. You should also include proposals for long-term maintenance, details of special constructional techniques and any other special measures required to retain trees through the proposed development.
If you are granted full planning permission, you will not need separate consent for tree works which are required to implement the planning permission. However, works to protected trees or trees within a conservation area which are not required to implement the planning permission, will require separate consent.