Public Rights of Way (PRoW)

Required for all developments that affect a PRoW, whether footpath, bridleway or other defined legal route.

This includes where a new road will cross the PRoW, even if a diversion is not required.


All public rights of way crossing or adjoining the proposed development site must be marked on the drawings.

The information supplied should make clear how the development will impinge on any rights of way.

If diversion of the PRoW will be needed, the current and proposed diverted route must be clearly shown, to metric scale.

Please note:  The grant of planning permission does not entitle development to obstruct, alter or cross a PRoW. It cannot be assumed that because planning permission has been granted, an order under section 247 or 257 of the 1990 Act, for the diversion or extinguishment of the PRoW, will invariably be made or confirmed.

Development, in so far as it affects a PRoW, should not be started and the right of way should be kept open for public use, unless or until the necessary order has come into effect.

The requirement to keep a PRoW of way open for public use will preclude the developer from using the existing footpath, bridleway or restricted byway as vehicular access to the site unless there are existing additional private rights.