Construction Management Plan

Required for:

  • Applications for which construction will result in a conflict, disturbance or significant impact on:
    • neighbours;
    • other road users;
    • sensitive wildlife designations; or
    • sensitive landscape designations
  • Major applications - full, outline where access is included or reserved matters if not agreed at outline stage.
  • Where required by a Neighbourhood Plan


A scheme which details how on-site construction impacts will be managed, particularly on neighbouring properties, sensitive uses, biodiversity and the highway network. It is likely the plan, with accompanying drawings, will need to include, as appropriate:

  1. Timetable/programme of works;
  2. Measures for traffic management[including routing of vehicles to and from the site, details of the number/frequency and sizes of vehicles];
  3. Days and hours of building operations and deliveries;
  4. Location of loading, unloading and storage of plant and materials;
  5. Location of contractor compound and facilities;
  6. Provision of boundary fencing/hoarding;
  7. Measures to protect and manage existing trees, hedgerows and other protected vegetation/wildlife habitats and protected species during construction. This should include location and type of fencing, method statements and timing of operations to avoid adverse effects on species and habitats (unless included in other documents);
  8. Parking of vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors;
  9. Wheel washing; and
  10. Dust control.

It is suggested you contact the Development Management team and the relevant Highways Officer, who will advise on the scope and content of the plan which will reflect the scale and context of the development.