As hedgerows are protected by law, if you wish to remove one in the countryside you must apply to the Council under the Hedgerow Regulations 1997.
Remember, you are required to give the Council six weeks notice if you intend to remove the hedgerow. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.
Apply to remove a hedge
If you wish to serve notice of your intention to remove a hedgerow, or to claim the exemption to remove a hedgerow, you can visit the Planning Portal and submit a hedgerow removal form.
You can find out more about what you need to submit for a Hedgerow removal notice on our Planning Validation - Special Application Types page.
I believe a hedgerow has been removed without proper permission
Please report this to us using the report a planning breach form below.
If the works are going on right now, please call us on 01803 861234.
Report a planning breach
About Hedgerows
Hedgerows are a very distinctive feature and provide valuable wildlife habitat for many species of flora and fauna. They are some of the oldest features in the countryside. The field boundaries on which they run are often of considerable historic interest, incorporating such features as ancient earthworks - so it is important that they are protected by law.
Hedgerow Management
Hedgerows only thrive when they are properly managed. If you want more information on the history, wildlife value, landscape value or management of hedgerows, visit Devon County Council's Hedgerow page.