Service Update - Online Forms
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How you can have your say on future development in the area.
When it comes to preparing plans for future development in the area, we want to ensure everyone involved has a chance to have their say.
That's why we work with a range of organisations and the local community. There's an opportunity for anyone who is interested to get involved at every stage of the process.
Our plans set out where development will happen and how this will occur, in a way that causes the least damage to the environment and supports our communities. Most plans cover a period of 10 -15 years. We use evidence and information to understand how things may change and what we can do to manage that change.
Local Planning Authorities are required to publish a Local Development Scheme to specify the development plan documents (local plans) they are proposing for their areas, including their subject matter and timetable.
The last Local Development Scheme for Plymouth, South Hams and West Devon was published in 2019, following the adoption of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan in March 2019. However, since 2019, the English planning system has been subject to significant upheaval through a process of national planning reform. This has included significant legislative, regulatory and policy change, and this process is not yet complete, meaning that many uncertainties still exist.
The councils have conducted a five-year review of the Joint Local Plan and believe it to remain an up-to-date and an appropriate spatial plan for the area. Notwithstanding this, the councils are aware that the current Local Development Scheme is out-of-date, but are not yet in a position to publish a new one. The Joint Local Plan Partnership Board first need to conclude a review they are currently undertaking of the implications of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 and the other planning reforms, in order to determine the way forward. It is anticipated that a new Local Development Scheme will be published in the Autumn of 2024.
Part of our understanding is built on feedback from the community about what is important to them. This feedback comes from local residents, businesses and groups within the community. The Council has set out how it will work with communities in preparing plans in its Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), June 2020 was adopted by, Plymouth City Council on 10 March 2020, South Hams District Council on 30 April 2020 and West Devon Borough Council on 9 June 2020. It builds on the work of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan, providing a consistent baseline to support the continued cooperation in planning across the three Local Planning Authorities (LPAs).
The Statement of Community Involvement sets out the minimum requirements for consultation and involvement. It must be followed by the LPAs of the Councils when preparing planning documents or consulting on planning applications. The document also sets out how the LPAs will support groups undertaking neighbourhood planning.
Please use the links below to view the adoption statement and the Statement of Community Involvement.
When preparing plans it is important that we take into account what happens in the wider area, outside our boundaries. This is because many people work, shop or carry out leisure activities in surrounding areas and, likewise we attract a number of visitors to the facilities we provide.
That's why it's important that we work with our neighbouring authorities to look at the bigger picture and how it might impact on the plans we prepare.
When we prepare plans we need to think about services and facilities that may be required to support our communities, e.g. roads, sewerage and water, healthcare and education. It is the responsibility of other organisations to provide these services. We work with these organisations to make sure we plan properly for our area.