Private Sector Housing Renewal
We know that living in a warm, safe house is important to us all. The Policy contains a range of grants and loans to help people achieve this.
Tenancy Strategy
The Localism Act 2011 places a duty on all local authorities to produce a Tenancy Strategy
This strategy sets out how we expect Registered Providers (Housing Associations) with affordable housing in the area to respond to the relevant changes introduced by the Act.
Housing Allocation Policy
The Local Allocation policy sets out how the council will deal with specific local issues outside of Devon Home Choice. It also includes exceptions to the Devon Home Choice scheme.
You can read a copy of the policy below:
Housing Strategy
In April 2021, South Hams District and West Devon Borough Councils adopted a new joint Housing Strategy. You can download this document below
You can also download a copy of the Housing Strategy Action Plan, which sets out how we will achieve our aims.
The documents below set out our Action Plan for 2022 to 2023, and review our progress in the first year:
Homelessness Strategy
In April 2022, South Hams District and West Devon Borough Councils adopted a new joint Homelessness Strategy. You can download this document below: