Anyone seeking to use a drone for any kind of commercial activity must get 'Permission' from the Civil Aviation Authority, or they could face prosecution.
For more information, please visit the CAA website.
If you wish to fly a drone for commercial purposes in the South Hams, you will need to contact the Communications Team for permission. Please email
Please note that if your flight plan includes privately owned land you will also need the landowner's permission. If your flightplan includes land within Dartmoor National Park you will need to contact the Park Authority for permission. Drone flights for recreation purposes on Dartmoor National Park are forbidden.
You can read our full drone and filmmaker codes of practice below:
Checklist for permission to fly a drone in the South Hams
Questions for drone pilot/company |
Questions for the Council |
Where do you want to fly? Where do you want to take off and land the drone? What is your flight plan? |
Do we own the land they propose to use? Does this pose any problems? |
Have you completed a risk assessment and or site visit prior to filming? |
Do we have a copy? |
Do you have public liability insurance? |
Do we have a copy? |
When is the flight planned to take place? |
Are there any events/site works which might conflict with this? |
Do you intend to cordon off an area for the landing / take off / flight? |
Is this degree of restricted area possible? |
Is the drone filming? |
Do they have permission from the people / building and places that they intend to film? |
Who is the named pilot? |
Who is the named person who is going to monitor the activities? |
Does the drone have a failsafe function / return home function? |
Are there any special measures which need to be put in place for this specific shoot? |
Who else do you intend to notify about your proposed flight? |
Who else in WDBC needs to know / be advised about this flight? |
Has a location fee/overtime fee been agreed? |
Is this part of a bigger production? Is a fee applicable? |
Any other information? |
Any other information? |