Potential Sanctions

It is important to note that not every complaint about a breach of the Code of Conduct will be referred for investigation or local resolution. The Monitoring Officer will decide what action is appropriate, based on

  • the particular circumstances of the Complaint,
  • the relevant Code of Conduct, and
  • in accordance with the criteria set out in the 'Dealing with Standards Complaints' procedure.

Whilst the Council takes its duties and powers regarding the standards regime seriously (and the above Procedure ensures that there is a fair process for considering and dealing with standards complaints) there are limitations on the potential outcomes to standards complaints. There are also limitations to the potential sanctions where a Councillor is found to have broken the Code.

The ability of the Council to impose and enforce meaningful sanctions or remedial action was severely curtailed by the changes to the standards regime introduced by the Localism Act 2011. This Act also repealed all of the preceding ethical governance legislation in its entirety. For full details of potential sanctions, please refer to Appendix 1 of the 'Dealing with Standards Complaints.'