Pay Policy Statement for Chief Officers

Purpose and Scope of the Policy

The policy will be kept under review.

Please also be advised that no officer of the Council receives any payments from the Council 'off-payroll' as a self-employed contractor or consultant.

  1. Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 (the Act) requires local authorities in England and Wales to produce a statutory pay policy statement for 2012/2013 and each financial year thereafter. 
  2. The pay policy statement must be approved by a resolution of the Council before it comes into force and each subsequent statement must be prepared and approved before the end of the preceding financial year to which it relates. 
  3. The Council may by resolution amend this pay policy statement at any time during the year, subject to the amended statement being published as soon as is reasonably practicable.   
  4. This Pay Policy Statement reflects the position on the reporting date of 31st March 2024. 
  5. The pay policy must set out the authority’s policies for the financial year relating to— 
    • the remuneration of its chief officers, 
    • the remuneration of its lowest-paid employees, and 
    • the relationship between— 
      • (i) the remuneration of its chief officers, and 
      • (ii) the remuneration of its employees who are not chief officers. 
  6. For the purposes of this pay policy, and in accordance with section 43 (2) of the Act, the following officers are considered to be relevant chief officers and deputy chief officers within scope of the Councils’ statutory obligation: 
    • Chief Executive 
    • Directors 
    • Section 151 Officer 
    • Monitoring Officer 
  7. The above officers are collectively known as Chief Officers for the purpose of this pay policy statement. 

Shared Services

8. For the purposes of this pay policy statement, it should be noted that all of the identified chief officers operate under a shared service agreement with West Devon Borough Council and their salary costs are shared on an agreed basis. For the purpose of this pay policy statement, all shared chief officers are shown, notwithstanding the identity of their employing authority.