Community composting

Find out about Community Composting schemes, where local communities can manage the organic waste they produce.

South Hams District Council is working in collaboration with Sustainable South Hams (SuSH) to help mentor and support new community composting groups with their applications and supporting existing groups with continued help from the council's grounds maintenance team. 

Marldon has been the first ‘new’ group to come online since the collaboration began:

To learn more about community composting, please download the document below:

  1. How does the scheme work?

    Different schemes use a range of methods. However, they tend to share some characteristics.

  2. Setting up a scheme

    Our checklist is a suggested approach to setting up a community composting scheme. You may need to swap the order of some tasks, or carry out different tasks at the same time.

  3. Available support

    South Hams District Council is offering support for both new and existing community compost groups.

  4. Current Sites

    View a map of current community composting sites in the South Hams.