Simpler recycling

Learn about the legislation changes coming into effect from 31 March 2025 for workplaces regarding separating waste.

Simpler recycling changes are on the way and our trade waste team is here to guide you through them. We are ready to support you with the resources and advice needed to adapt smoothly. 

From 31 March 2025 (or 31 March 2027 for micro-firms), all workplaces (businesses and non-domestic premises) in England have a legal duty separate dry recyclables, food waste and refuse waste.

What does this mean for you

All workplaces (businesses and non-domestic premises) in England will have a legal duty to present the following wastes separated in accordance with the arrangements with their waste registered collector: 

  • Dry recyclable materials
  • Food waste
  • Residual waste

Workplaces that generate garden waste will have a legal duty to manage it in accordance with the waste hierarchy and arrange for it to be recycled or composted if it delivers the best environmental outcome. 

Further guidance, including the full legislation can be found on Gov.UK.

Micro-firm exemption

Micro-firms need to comply by 31 March 2027, to ensure food and recycling is disposed of separately. Clarification on this can be found on the above link. 

Waste separation explained

Businesses will be required to always separate dry recyclable waste, food waste and refuse waste from each other as part of their registered collections. 

Dry recyclable waste is: 

  • Glass - such as drinks bottles and rinsed empty food jars 
  • Metal - such as drinks cans and rinsed empty food tins, empty aerosols, aluminium foil, aluminium food trays and tubes 
  • Plastic - such as rinsed empty food containers and bottles 
  • Paper and cardboard - such as old newspapers, envelopes, delivery boxes and packaging 

Food waste is:  

  • Food leftovers  
  • Waste generated by preparing food (of any volume, including if the workplace does not serve food or have a canteen)  

Residual waste is: 

  • Absorbent hygiene products such as nappies 
  • Highly contaminated materials like food packaging that cannot be washed  

Why choose us?

  • Recycling more materials with us is great for the environment
  • Our services meet all the relevant standards
  • The Council is a service you can trust
  • We can offer different sized bins and frequency of collections to suit your waste requirement needs. 

We are here to support

Contact our team to discover how we can support and provide your waste management solutions.

Contact Trade Waste