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Trade waste FAQs

Trade Waste FAQs

What type of collection do you offer?

All collection types are based on a 12-month, rolling contract. We offer 52 collections per year or 26 collections per year. Payments can be made in full or spread over equal, monthly instalments.

If you have chosen 52 collections, your bins will be emptied every week of the year.  

If you have chosen 26 collections, your bins will be emptied to coincide with busy holiday periods. In order to ensure that we are able to provide and manage a high level of service, the 26 weeks are non-negotiable.  See our specified collection dates here.

How much does it cost?

The cost depends on your location, the number of bins and type of bins you have. If you need a new quote, please email trade.waste@swdevon.gov.uk

How do I pay? 

You can set up a direct debit or make a one-off payment for the full amount.

What if I want an extra collection? Can I pay as I go?

No, unfortunately we are no longer able to provide a pay-as-you go service. 

I need more bins

Please complete this form and if you need more bins we will contact you to arrange delivery.

Do I get a discount for having multiple bins?

Yes, the discount will depend on how many bins you have. Please email Trade Waste for a quote.

Do I have to pay the collection charge even if one or more bins are empty?

Yes, the service we provide will charge for all bins registered at the property. 

I have more bins than I need, can I return some?

Yes. Please complete this form and if you have more bins than you need we will contact you to arrange collection.

Do I get a discount for having multiple bins?

Yes, the discount will depend on how many bins you have. Please email Trade Waste for a quote.

Do I have to pay the collection charge even if one or more bins are empty?

Yes, the service we provide will charge for all bins registered at the property.

26-week collection

If you're an existing customer, you may choose to move to a green sack collection. You will need to use your SD number when ordering sacks.

If you're a new customer, you will need to open an account before ordering your sacks. Create an account here.

All seasonal and rural business requiring a sack collection outside these specified collection dates can email Trade Waste giving 7 days' notice.

Alternatively, other waste collection companies may offer you a collection that meets your business needs.

How will you know when to collect my waste if I am on a 26-week collection?

If you have chosen 26 collections, your bins will be emptied to coincide with busy holiday periods. 

Unfortunately, the 26 weeks are non-negotiable.  


Please inform us by contacting Trade Waste, providing 4 weeks' notice.

What happens if I want to cancel my new collections halfway through the year?

Please inform us by contacting Trade Waste.

If you have paid for the full service we will issue a refund for the remaining period. If you are paying by Direct Debit this will be cancelled at the end of your notice period.