A site layout plan or block plan is required for all applications.
It must be provided as follows:
- Plans provided for both existing and proposed.
- Provided at a metric scale (1:200 or 1:500) and ideally scaled to fit onto A4 or A3
- Provided on an up-to-date map
- Indicate a north point
- Show the proposed development in relation to:
- site boundaries,
- other existing buildings on the site,
- adjoining properties and the immediate area,
- roads, public rights of way, and position of trees/hedges, changes in levels, boundary treatment, vehicular/pedestrian access and existing and proposed parking.
- House names and road names should be labelled
- Include any buildings to be demolished
- If the site area is edged in red this must match the location plan provided (not essential but can be helpful)
- If connecting to existing drainage system, this should be indicated on the plan
Planning Portal accredited supplier