What is Validation?

Validation is the process of checking that all relevant documentation has been provided. If you submit an application without the necessary documentation, with clear inaccuracies, or without the appropriate fee, the application is not valid and will not be progressed until this is resolved. The relevant guidance notes, available with the application forms, should also be read.

Extra information requested after validation

The list of requirements is not exhaustive. The Council can still request further, or more detailed, information after validation to resolve any particular issues that arise as a result of consultation responses or Officer site visits.

Any additional information not required by the Validation Checklist, but which is needed to make a decision, will be requested during the course of the application. This should be provided as soon as possible.

Pre Application Service and Checking Service

We offer a pre application service which could save both time and money for your planning application. You can find out more here.