An applicant has a right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against the Council's planning decisions. The Secretary of State appoints Planning Inspectors who will make a decision on the appeal.
Who is allowed to appeal?
Only the person who applied for planning permission, or was served with an enforcement notice has a legal right to appeal (known as the appellant).
There is no right of appeal for interested people or organisations (known as third parties).
How do I make an appeal?
Your decision notice has details of how to appeal or you can read the advice on Planning Appeals. These pages contain specific guides to help you complete the appeal form, whether you do it online or on paper.
Is there a time limit to make an appeal?
Yes, there is a time limit. Whilst an appeal should be a last resort, you should take the time limit into account when exploring other options with us. The time limit for making your appeal depends on the type of appeal you are making.
Further details on how long you have to appeal a planning decision can be found on the Planning Decision notice for the specific application.
You can use our Planning Search to find application details and documents.
What happens if I appeal?
You will be expected to provide information to support your case. We will provide information to support the council's position.
The planning inspectorate will give you the timetable is for this information to be provided.
Before reaching a decision, the Inspector will usually visit the site, and may hold a hearing or inquiry as well, depending on the procedure adopted for the appeal.
Planning appeals
How long does it take?
The time from submitting an appeal to getting a decision may run into months. The Planning Inspectorate publishes Planning Appeals - How long it takes guidance.
How much does it cost?
It does not cost anything to make an appeal. If you decide that you want someone to represent you, you may have to pay them for doing so.
If your appeal relates to an Enforcement Notice, you may need to pay a fee to the Local Planning Authority.
How to comment on a planning appeal
When an appeal is submitted all comments submitted in relation to the original planning application will be taken into account by the Planning Inspectorate in the determination of that appeal. You can use our Planning Search to find application details and documents and the appeal reference.
The Planning Inspectorate has published guidance on how to make your views known on a planning appeal.