Local Land Charges and Property Search Information

The Council does not accept cheques. Please pay by card or BACS.

Please email requests to sh-landcharges@swdevon.gov.uk and remember to attach a location plan showing the property outlined in red.

BACS Details:

  • Lloyds Bank
  • Sort Code: 30-98-69
  • Account number: 40073168

These fees will apply from 1 April 2023

Search Type Fee (+ VAT) Total Fee

Form LLC1 only

£10.50 (nil VAT)


Extra Parcel of land for LLC1 only

£2.20 (nil VAT)


Form CON29 only

£76.00 (+ £15.20 VAT)


Extra unit of land or property for CON29 only

£14.50 (+ £2.90 VAT)


Full Search LLC1 and CON29

£86.50 (+ £15.20 VAT)


Extra Parcel/unit of land or property for a Full Search (LLC1 and CON29)

£16.70 (+ £2.90 VAT)


Form CON29O Questions (Pipelines, flood defences, Common Land etc.)

See below


Expedited Search LLC1 only

£2.20 (nil VAT)


Expedited Search CON29 only

£30.00 (+ £6.00 VAT)


Expedited Search service Full Search

(Result will be issued on the third working day after receipt. Please check with us before requesting this service.)

£32.20 (+ £6.00 VAT)


Solicitor's own question

£22.50 (+ £4.50 VAT)


LLC1 Cancellation fee (if cancelled after 4 p.m. on day of submission)

£10.50 (nil VAT)


CON29 Cancellation fee (if cancelled after 4 p.m. on day of submission)

£76.00 (+ £15.20 VAT)


Cancellation fee LLC1 and CON29

(if cancelled after 4 p.m. on day of submission)

£86.50 (+ £15.20 VAT)


Cancellation fee of individual questions from CON29 or CON29O

(if cancelled after 4 p.m. on day of submission)

£11.00 plus question fee as shown below

Cancellation fee LLC1, CON29 and CON29O

(if cancelled after 4 p.m. on day of submission)

As per fee originally charged

See notes

Personal Searches of the Local Land Charges Register are available on request by email.

Some other data is available using an Environmental Information Regulations request. Please allow up to 20 working days. You can also check the Council's website for some of the date you require.

Refined CON29 information is available on request by email. Replies will be emailed. A small charge is made for each question - see the list below for more details.


CON29O Questions

If the question or selected group of questions are asked separately from a Full Search, and administration fee of £10.80 (including VAT) will be charged.

Question Price (+VAT) Total Price


£10.00 (+ £2.00 VAT)



£7.20 (+ £1.44 VAT)



£4.80 (+ £0.96 VAT)



£1.25 (+ £0.25 VAT)



£1.25 (+ £0.25 VAT)



£2.45 (+ £0.49 VAT)



£2.45 (+ £0.49 VAT)



£2.45 (+ £0.49 VAT)



£2.45 (+ £0.49 VAT)



£2.45 (+ £0.49 VAT)



£3.75 (+ £0.75 VAT)



£2.45 (+ £0.49 VAT)



£3.75 (+ £0.75 VAT)



£3.75 (+ £0.75 VAT)



£3.75 (+ £0.75 VAT)



£3.75 (+ £0.75 VAT)



£3.75 (+ £0.75 VAT)



£3.25 (+ £0.65 VAT)



£5.75 (+ £1.15 VAT)


CON29 Questions (individual)

If the question or selected group of questions are asked separately from a Full Search, and administration fee of £10.80 (including VAT) will be charged.

Question Price (+ VAT) Total Price

Q 1.1 a to i

£8.00 (+ £1.60 VAT)


Q 1.1 j to l

£10.00 (+ £2.00 VAT)


Q 1.2

£3.10 (+ £0.62 VAT)



£2.20 (+ £0.44 VAT)


Q 3.1

£1.20 (+ £0.24 VAT)


Q 3.2

£0.75 (+ £0.15 VAT)


Q 3.3

£6.80 (+ £1.36 VAT)


Q 3.4

£2.50 (+ £0.50 VAT)


Q 3.5

£5.25 (+ £1.05 VAT)


Q 3.6

£5.00 (+ £1.00 VAT)


Q 3.7

£6.90 (+ £1.38 VAT)


Q 3.8

£1.20 (+ £0.24 VAT)


Q 3.9

£8.00 (+ £1.60 VAT)


Q 3.10

£1.20 (+ £0.24 VAT)


Q 3.11

£2.50 (+ £0.50 VAT)


Q 3.12

£3.00 (+ £0.60 VAT)


Q 3.13

£1.20 (+ £0.24 VAT)


Q 3.14

£1.20 (+ £0.24 VAT)



Q 3.15

£6.00 (+ £1.20 VAT)
