How do I apply?

Remember, before applying for a Local Search you will need to provide a plan showing the area to be searched outlined in red before we can process your request.

If more than one property is included such as additional barn conversions, holiday lets, separate annexes or parcels of land, there will be extra fees to pay.

For members of the public it is simplest to apply by e-mail

Email us with your request (we will accept requests without the official forms), the plan and your contact details.

Let us know in your email how you are going to pay: by card or by BACS. We no longer accept cheque payments.

For Solicitors and Conveyancers please apply by:

  • Email as above
  • Use a recognised secure online portal: there are a number of portals available including NLIS.

National Land Information Services (NLIS)

National Land Information Services (NLIS) is a government initiative. It provides official electronic land and property information held by all Local Authorities in England and Wales. It also holds other official sources of data, including HMLR, the Coal Authority and water companies.

The NLIS Hub acts as a gateway for conveyancers to access land and property information through one of the NLIS Licensed Channels listed below:

  • Search Flow
  • Index iv
  • Thames Water Property Searches
  • Big Property Data

The NLIS Hub is regulated by Land Data.

For further information on how to order NLIS searches please visit the NLIS website.

TM Group

TM Group: This link will take you to the TM Group Website, where you can find out more about the services they offer conveyancers.

DX or post

The council would prefer to receive searches electronically to reduce delays for you and your client. However it is acknowledged that sometimes there is no option but to submit in a paper form.

Please note that from April 2018 the council will not accept cheques with Posted or DX searches, so payment will have to be made by a different method such as card or BACS (see below).

Local Land Charges
South Hams District Council
Follaton House
Plymouth Road

Local Land Charges
South Hams District Council
DX 300050


See our Fees and Charges for details of the charge for your search.

Please use this link to pay by card and select Land Charges from the drop-down menu.

BACS details:

  • Account name: South Hams District Council
  • Branch: Lloyds (Totnes)
  • Sort code: 30-98-69
  • Account Number: 40073168

Personal Searches

Personal searches of the Local Land Charges Register are available under Section 8 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975.

  • This is an alternative to the Council undertaking the search for you.
  • There is no charge for inspection of the Register however knowledge is required about how the Register works and what the information means.
  • These searches are usually undertaken by personal search companies.

Please call or email the Local Land Charges team to book an appointment. You will also need to send us a plan showing the property to be searched clearly outlined in red.

Appointments are usually 5 working days from the request being made. There is no limit to how many searches can be undertaken during an appointment.

Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests

The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) allow for inspection of environmental information held by public bodies including the Council.

  • There is no charge for inspection of the records.
  • Please allow up to 20 working days for the information to be made available.

Please contact us by email and your request will be dealt with.