Residents Discount Parking Scheme

Get discounts at all South Hams District Council car parks.

Residents Discount Parking Scheme - Frequently asked questions

Click on each heading below to see answers to frequently asked questions about the residents discount parking scheme.

Frequently asked questions - Resident discount parking scheme

How many vehicles can apply for the discount? Can you add additional vehicles?

All vehicles registered at the address can apply for the scheme. However each vehicle requires a separate application and payment to join the scheme.

Can I put any address on my application?

Only addresses registered for Council Tax will be eligible for the scheme. Properties that are registered with business rates only, or located outside of the district will be unable to apply. This will include AirBnB’s.

The address on your V5C or lease agreement must match the address on your application. Vehicles registered outside of the South Hams are not eligible.

Can I apply for the discount scheme at any time in the year?

You can apply and register your vehicle to the scheme at any point in the year, and will receive a full 12 months of the discount from the point that your application is approved. The £5 administration fee will apply.

What happens if I have a lease/hire vehicle?

You will be required to send in your lease or hire agreement to show you are the liable person for the vehicle. The lease or hire agreement must clearly show your name as the hirer of the vehicle and the vehicle details.

I don't have V5C or Lease or Motability document, can I apply?

You need a V5C or a Lease or Motability document to apply for the Resident Discount Scheme.  

  • A V5C is a document from the DVLA that shows you are the registered keeper of the vehicle. It has your name, address, and vehicle registration number (VRN). If you don’t have it, you can get a new one from the DVLA for a small fee.
  • A Lease Agreement is a document from the leasing company that shows you lease the vehicle. It has your name, address, and the vehicle's registration number (VRN).
  • A Motability Document is provided through the Motability Scheme. Your Motability Lease Agreement confirms your lease details and vehicle information.

What do I do if I do not have my V5C document?

You will need to get a replacement V5C certificate (vehicle log book) if the original has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed by you or your insurance company. You can apply online or by phone if the details in the V5C can stay the same. The V5C will be posted to the address which the DVLA has on record. To apply please visit Gov.UK.

What happens if I change my vehicle?

If you change your vehicle you will need to start a new application and pay the admin fee. A new 12-month period would then commence.

What happens if I change address?

If you are moving to a new address you will need to start a new application and pay the admin fee. A new 12-month period would then commence.

How do you access the residents discount (via cashless parking app)?

Once you have been approved, the registered vehicle will show the discounted prices via the cashless app. Once you have entered your vehicle registration the reduced parking tariff will automatically apply when you enter the parking time you want. 

What do you do if you have not got a smartphone or do not use the cashless provider?

Once registered with the resident’s discount scheme, if you do not intend to use the cashless app to access the discounted tariffs, you will be able to pay for a ticket at the pay and display machine and have 30 minutes free parking from when your ticket expires. The additional free 30 minutes will not show on the pay and display ticket however, the parking officer will add this time onto the expiry time of the ticket. The parking officers will be able to identify those vehicles registered into the discount scheme on their handhelds when enforcing the car parks.

If I have a blue badge, do I still qualify for the additional free hour?

If you have a blue badge and have been approved for the residents discount scheme, you will continue to get 1 hour free on top of your expired time purchased through the cashless parking app. 

For those within the resident’s discount scheme who purchase a ticket from the pay and display machine, you will have the hour for your blue badge and an additional half hour added to the expiry time of the ticket by our officers, provided this does not exceed the maximum stay of the car park.

What happens to workers in the town who are not South Hams residents but vital workforce to towns in the South Hams?

We recognise that the workforce plays a vital role in our towns to support businesses and tourism. We therefore offer a range of permits at a discounted rate to the tariff to ensure those not eligible to apply for the scheme still have alternative options for parking. Our permits offered can be viewed on our website.