Children in care offered free access to leisure facilities in the South Hams

We've teamed up with Fusion Lifestyle to offer children living in care and care leavers (up to the age of 25 years old) free access to all Fusion Leisure centres in the South Hams, with the aim of helping them to live healthier and more active lives. 

This new initiative has funded by South Hams and West Devon Councils (with access to services also available in West Devon), and supported by Devon County Council (DCC) Children and Young people Team. 

The scheme was introduced in the new year, but there are still plenty of places to fill, so the Fusion teams at the district's four leisure centres - Dartmouth, Ivybridge and Totnes Leisure Centres, and Kingsbridge's Quayside Leisure Centre - are now calling on all social workers in the area to spread the word and sign up.   

Signing up to the scheme is very simple.  There’s a letter for social workers to submit, along with an application to be completed by either the young person or foster carer, which will give access free swimming, gym and soft play facilities. 

Anyone interested should contact Clare Bill at 

Cllr Victor Abbott, South Hams Executive Member for Community Services and Leisure, said: “I’m delighted that we are supporting this initiative. Exercise is so important to wellbeing and opening up access in this way for children in care and care leavers is a tremendous idea. I'm so pleased Fusion are able to support the activities for free over the summer holidays. 

“Everyone is currently feeling the economic pinch but using these resources might be unaffordable to those in care and recent care leavers; this is very supportive to two groups in need.” 

Clare Bill from Fusion Lifestyle added: "We are very committed to making sport and exercise accessible to everyone, so we were delighted when the Council offered to fund this important initiative.   We hope to hear from many more social workers and see more young people enjoying the facilities at our centres in the future.” 

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