Object to or Support an Application or Licence

If you would like to object to, support, or call for a review of an existing licence or certificate, you will need to do so in writing - and you may also need to submit an application.

Who can support/object?

Anyone can make representations (objections or notice of support) about the grant of a New or Provisional Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate or about a Variation/Minor Variation to any existing licence/certificate.

Persons will need to make sure that the representation relates to one or more of the following licensing objectives: 

  • Prevention of Crime and Disorder 
  • Public Safety 
  • Prevention of Public Nuisance
  • Protection of Children from Harm

How do I object to a licence application?

All representations must be made in writing to the Licensing Authority at the address below. They must be received by the last date for representations as shown on either the public notice in the local press or on the notice displayed at the premises.

If you are in any doubt as to the date by which representations must be submitted, please contact the Licensing Team.

What happens after I make a representation?

Where representations are received and not withdrawn a licensing hearing will be arranged to determine the outcome of the application. Persons making representations are invited to attend the hearing. They may choose to be supported by a representative (legal representative, MP or local ward councillor etc) to speak on their behalf.

Objecting to an Existing Licence

Under the terms of the Licensing Act 2003, a person and/or a responsible authority can apply for a review of an existing premises licence or club premises certificate if there are problems associated with any of the licensing objectives.

What happens after I apply for a review?

Following receipt of the application, the licensing authority (so long as the application meets legal requirements) will

  • advertise the notice of the application;
  • give dates by which other persons and/or responsible authorities may make representations (within 28 days); and
  • set a date for a hearing.

Please contact us if you wish to make any representations and/or applications for reviews by emailing us at licensing@swdevon.gov.uk