
When organising/submitting a petition as part of your representation, there are some important factors to bear in mind:

  • We ask that the instigator of the petition identifies themselves as a central point of contact, as we may need to make contact in order to verify certain matters and if we are unable to do so this could invalidate the petition.
  • Each page of the petition should contain information as to the purpose of the petition so that all persons know what they are signing.
  • Full names and addresses for each signatory must be provided.
  • All signatories must be made aware that where representations are made and not withdrawn, a copy of the petition will be supplied to the applicant and a copy will be contained within the committee papers.

The Licensing Authority will not write to each signatory separately but instead expects that the instigator of the petition will advise each signatory of the hearing date and the final outcome of the application. It is also expected that the instigator will represent signatories at the hearing and will speak for them.