You should indicate which licensable activities you wish to carry on by ticking the appropriate boxes. In considering what to put in this section, you should think about all the activities you may want to conduct at the premises in the future and consider whether any are licensable activities under the act. After this, you should complete the corresponding boxes from A to M that relate to those activities. Only complete the boxes that relate to the activities you have ticked.
You should give timings using the 24-hour clock and only give details for days of the week when you intend the premises to be used for the licensable activities in question. The space marked 'state any seasonal variations', gives you the opportunity to include any, for example, longer hours or additional days during the summer. The space marked 'non-standard timings', gives you the opportunity to record occasions when the timings will change. For example, you may wish the activity to go on longer on Christmas Eve or weekends preceding bank holidays.
Question |
Answer |
Under 'non-standard timings' can I say that I will open late to cover rugby world cups, Australian rules football, or sporting events overseas that are broadcast late at night or early morning in the UK? |
You can include whatever licensable activities you like, but should think about how these might be viewed by responsible authorities or interested parties. It might be worth talking to your licensing authority and the relevant responsible authorities first to see what conditions, if any, you might offer to reassure any concerns. |
Except in box C (indoor sport) you are asked to indicate whether the activity is taking place indoors, outdoors or both. Indoors may include a tent.
In the space marked 'Please give further details here', please state type of activity to be authorised, if not already stated, and give relevant further details, for example (but not exclusively) whether music will be amplified or unamplified.