What is a Playing Pitch Strategy?
A playing pitch strategy is designed to set clear priorities for sport in the Council area, including:
- Providing evidence to support management and investment decisions
- Support the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan (JLP).
- Provide planning guidance in relation to pitch provision and quality standards
- Inform the allocation of s106 funding and other funding streams
- Help to advance collaborative working with stakeholders
To increase opportunities for sports participation, we want to create a high quality and sustainable network of sports pitches and outdoor leisure facilities.
The PPS is an assessment of our current playing pitch provision, to help develop a plan for improvement.
This has involved reviewing existing facilities across the area and looking at pitch type, usage and condition to understand the supply and demand of playing pitches.
The PPS will play a vital role in encouraging increased sporting activity, as well as promoting health and wellbeing by ensuring there is a good supply of high-quality playing pitch facilities in both Council areas.
The strategy will help to inform planning decisions by the Council and will be a guide to investment decisions from a wide range of bodies and partner organisations that seek to provide high quality sports facilities across the area.
More Information
You can download a copy of the Playing Pitch Strategy below:
The Action Plan sets out how we will achieve the aims set out in the PPS. You can download a copy below: