What is the Village Housing Initiative?

It is a community-led planning project, enabling small scale affordable housing projects for local people in rural areas. By allowing a small proportion of these developments to be built and sold on the 'open market', this helps to fund future development.

One of the aims is to provide much-needed housing in rural areas, to help keep families together, encourage young people to stay in the area, and support local services.

How are sites under this initiative identified and chosen?

Landowners are invited to submit available land to be considered for this project.

The community will be involved in helping to choose preferred sites for new homes.

There must be an identified need in the area, and the site should be close or adjacent to villages with facilities.

Who will the homes be for?

The homes are intended for local people with a housing need. The houses will remain as affordable local homes for the future (this is detailed in a legal agreement).

Who will own and manage the properties?

A Registered Provider will own and manage the affordable housing on the development.

How can I apply for an affordable home?

All properties will be advertised through Devon Home Choice.