Routine sampling will take place to monitor the safety of foods manufactured, distributed and retailed in the South Hams and West Devon. All routine samples may be purchased anonymously or taken with the consent of the owners of the food by an authorised officer. These informal food samples will be analysed or examined by the appointed Public Analyst or Food Examiner respectively.
Sampling in Specific Situations
Choose from the selections below to learn about how and when we sample food.
Routine Sampling
Informal Sampling
The majority of samples taken for microbiological purposes will be informal, and form part of the monitoring/surveillance programme. Samples of food that are the subject of a consumer complaint and are brought to the Department are also classed as informal, as are food samples submitted for expert opinion, pest identification, and those taken as evidence in their own right e.g. use by dates.
Formal Sampling
Formal samples will be purchased or taken in accordance with the Food Standards Agency's Code of Practice and Practice Guidance, by suitably trained, qualified and experienced authorised officers. They will be examined or analysed by the appointed Food Examiner or Public Analyst. Formal samples will be taken where enforcement action may result if an adverse report is received following examination or analysis.
Process Monitoring
Samples may be taken from manufacturers of foods, during the manufacturing process, for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the end product and for assessing the effectiveness of the critical controls in the process. The manufacturer will be notified of the result of any such sample analysis or examination.
Primary Authority Principle
In support of the Government's Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Primary Authority Principle, Council has home or originating authority responsibility. Where sampling identifies a problem with a food manufactured outside the area, the relevant home or originating authority will be notified. A copy of the certificate of analysis or examination forwarded to them. (A Primary Authority is the local authority having responsibility for the decision-making base of a company. An originating authority is one where the food originates i.e. manufactured).
Routine Inspections
Sampling may form part of a routine inspection of a food business. It may take place if, during the inspection, the authorised officer identifies a particular problem that needs further investigation or for obtaining evidence to support investigation. It may also take place during an inspection for process monitoring purposes.
Food Related Complaints
On receipt of a food complaint, the food may be submitted for analysis, examination, or for expert identification, if this is deemed necessary for the suitable investigation of the complaint.
Foodborne Disease Investigations
Where a particular premises or food produced in the South Hams and West Devon is implicated in a case or cases of foodborne disease, food samples may be taken and submitted for examination. This is for the purposes of identifying any likely source of infection and controlling any risk to public health. These samples are likely to be taken formally. In the event of an outbreak of foodborne disease, relevant samples will be identified in consultation with the Consultant in Communicable Disease Control employed by the Health Protection Agency.
Statutory Sampling
Food samples will be taken and submitted wherever the Council has a statutory duty to do so. The sampling of shellfish i.e. bivalve molluscs, in commercial shellfish production areas will be maintained, for the purpose of maintaining the necessary EC classifications for those areas.
Special Investigations
Food samples may be taken and submitted as part of a special investigation, e.g. in response to a food hazard warning, or to other intelligence received about potential food safety issues. This may form part of a 'food incident' involving liaison with the Food Standards Agency.
Co-ordinating Programmes
South Hams recognises the merit in participation in co-ordinated sampling programmes which will enable effective use of the Council's resources. The Council therefore will participate as appropriate in European, national, regional and locally co-ordinated programmes. This will include Public Health England surveys in collaboration with other local authorities in Devon via the Devon Food Safety Liaison Group.