The Council does not provide pest control services.
If you rent you should contact your landlord in the first instance.
Landlords are responsible for ensuring that your property is well maintained and kept in good repair so that pests are unable to enter in the first place. If you have a pest problem that you believe is caused by a repair problem please contact your landlord to arrange treatment and repairs.
If a landlord fails to address the pest problem after you have asked them for help, you can report your landlord to us.
Where can I get further advice?
The British Pest Control Association provides information on rodents and nuisance insects in their A-Z of pests. This includes ways of identifying the type of pest and advice on how to control them.
You can also use BPCA to Find a Pest Control Technician.
The National Pest Technicians Association is an organisation run by pest control technicians, for the benefit of other pest control technicians and their customers.
NPTA can help potential customers of pest control services to find properly trained and insured pest controllers near them.