Totnes Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

A referendum on the Totnes Neighbourhood Plan was held on 16 November 2023

Do you want South Hams District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Totnes to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?
Result Votes Recorded %
Number cast in favour of a Yes 975 91.55%
Number cast in favour of a No 90 8.45%


The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows:

A - want of an official mark 0
B - voting for more answers than required 0
C - writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
D - being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 1
E - rejected in part 0
Total 1

Electorate: 6247

Ballot Papers issued: 1066

Turnout: 17.06%

And I do hereby declare that more than half of those voting HAVE voted in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Dated: Friday 16 November 2023

Helen Amanda Jarvis

Deputy Counting Officer