There are several ways you can pay your Council Tax which are listed on the back of your Council Tax bill. You can pay by 10 or 12 monthly instalments for the annual bill. Payments can also be made by direct debit on 1, 15 or 28 day of each month.
Direct debit is the easiest way to pay as the money is taken each month, as long as you have the funds available, and any increases or decreases are adjusted automatically. Your payments are covered by the direct debit guarantee, so you will be notified in advance of any changes to the instalment amount.
For people who may find monthly payments difficult, the bill can be paid by weekly or fortnightly payments. If you choose this method you will need to notify the Council Tax team, so that we can amend your instalment details officially to ensure you don't get reminders.
If the dates offered above do not suit your lifestyle and budget, you can pay by standing order using our bank details on your Council Tax bill. Please notify the Council Tax team so they can set your arrangement date accordingly to prevent you receiving reminders.
For more information about paying your Council Tax, please see how to pay.