What is the decision-making process?

The process we have adopted to determine the List of Assets is as follows:

  1. The Community Team will receive a nomination and make a 'Gateway Assessment' of the nomination. (Is the nominating group a valid community group? Does the asset appear to fit the definition of a community asset?). If clearly an invalid nomination, the community will be informed with justification for refusal, or asked to resubmit with adjustments.
  2. The Community Team will consider valid nomination forms and any representations owners wish to make over the eight-week decision-making period. A recommendation will be made to the Head of Planning, Economy and Community.
  3. The Head of Service, in consultation with local ward Members and Chair of Community Services Committee/Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economy and Community, make a decision on whether to include the asset on the List of Assets of Community Value.
  4. Once the decision to List is made, the asset owner and nominating community group will be informed.