What is the decision-making process?
The process we have adopted to determine the List of Assets is as follows:
- The Community Team will receive a nomination and make a 'Gateway Assessment' of the nomination. (Is the nominating group a valid community group? Does the asset appear to fit the definition of a community asset?). If clearly an invalid nomination, the community will be informed with justification for refusal, or asked to resubmit with adjustments.
- The Community Team will consider valid nomination forms and any representations owners wish to make over the eight-week decision-making period. A recommendation will be made to the Head of Planning, Economy and Community.
- The Head of Service, in consultation with local ward Members and Chair of Community Services Committee/Portfolio Holder for Planning, Economy and Community, make a decision on whether to include the asset on the List of Assets of Community Value.
- Once the decision to List is made, the asset owner and nominating community group will be informed.