Sustainable Communities Locality Fund
Each Ward Councillor within the South Hams has been allocated £2,000 in the current financial year to support community projects that benefit their Ward or the wider local community.
This Fund can support any project / activity which in the view of your Ward Councillor will improve your community and enhance the quality of life for local residents. Existing projects can be supported, but this Fund cannot be used to replace any withdrawn public sector funding (withdrawn within the previous two financial years) or provide or imply any ongoing financial support. It cannot support projects promoting religious beliefs.
Applications for funding can only benefit not-for-profit groups / organisations and not individuals.
How do I apply?
Read the guidance below and then apply at the following link. The first question will ask if your project relates to climate change - select 'no' to open the SCLF application.
Apply to the Sustainable Communities Locality Fund
How much can I apply for?
There is a lower grant limit of £100 per project. Applications for larger projects requesting grants of over £2,000 can be supported by Ward Councillors wishing to combine their resources. Unspent allocations will be carried forward annually for the Ward Councillor's term of office.
What are the timescales?
There are no set timescales or deadlines. Ward Councillors will consider projects throughout the year, as long as funding is still available. Please note that during election periods your Ward Councillor will not be able to make decisions on grant awards.
What makes a good project?
If your project will make a positive difference in your community, then you may already have a strong application but with limited resources Ward Councillors need to be certain that they are supporting the very best ideas. They will use the following criteria to make a recommendation on your project:
Does your project:
- demonstrate clear local support and / or need;
- link with your existing local town, village, parish community plan or emerging neighbourhood plan (if applicable);
- involve and engage with local residents and voluntary / community groups;
- tackle real local issues and supports hard to reach groups (young people, older people, unemployed people, ethnic minorities, etc).
When will I get the grant, if successful?
Once the Ward Councillor's recommendation has been approved, South Hams District Council will make the necessary grant payment. The grant must be spent on the approved project and we reserve the right to inspect goods / works purchased with grant from this Fund. We ask that you let your Ward Councillor know when your project is completed.
Where can I get help with the application form?
Your Ward Councillor will be able to help you. Contact details for your Ward Councillor can be found here.
Data Protection
The information that you have provided will be held by South Hams District Council. The information will be used to assess your application to this Fund and will be held securely at all times.
The Council may share the information with external agencies and the wider public to ensure the project is delivered and with other organisations, if required by law. If you wish to see the personal data that the Council holds, please contact the Data Protection Officer.