Service update - Waste collections
Due to recent bank holidays your waste and recycling collection day may have changed over the next couple of weeks.
Please check your next collection day on the link below:
Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, gives the power for the Council to consider the award of Discretionary Rate Relief to certain organisations.
The Council has introduced a policy where a panel of elected members will consider applications for discretionary relief, and decide if any award should be made, and if so, how much.
Charities and organisations that are not established or conducted for profit can apply for discretionary relief. Charities usually receive a mandatory 80% reduction in their rates bill and can apply for relief against all or part of the 20% remaining amount.
A not-for-profit organisation can apply against all or part of their full rates bill.
Community Amateur Sports Clubs, that are registered as such with HMRC, will usually receive a mandatory 80% reduction in their rates bill and can apply for discretionary relief against all or part of what they still have to pay.
Properties in a defined rural settlement can receive Rural Rate Relief where they are the sole post office, general store, public house or petrol filling station, where they are within Government set Rateable Value limits. This is currently a mandatory 100% off their bill. Any rate payer with a property in that settlement can also apply for discretionary relief.
Other Business Rate payers can either apply for discretionary relief in accordance with the policy. Alternatively, the Council also has a specific policy for applications for discretionary relief from ratepayers moving in to the area or who are expanding their existing business. Details and an application form can be found in the Downloads area.
Discretionary Relief of up to 100% can be awarded to ratepayers who would suffer financial hardship, were it not to be awarded. Contact us if you wish to apply.
Other Ratepayers, can also apply for Discretionary Rate Relief under powers granted by Section 69 of the Localism Act 2011, where it is in the interests of local Council Taxpayers to do so.
The Council has a Local Business Rate Relief Policy to support policy to support Business Growth. You can read the full policy here.
Other Ratepayers can also apply for relief which will be considered by the Panel of Councillors.
To apply for discretionary relief, we need a clear picture of your trading position. Please send the following information:
Please contact us with the information to apply.
We aim to deal with each application within six weeks.
Any award of a Discretionary Rate Relief will be at least part funded by Local Council Tax payers. Every application will be dealt with on its own merits, but general factors that are taken into account include:
Any Discretionary Relief Application needs to made with knowledge of State Aid funding rules (The De Minimis Regulations (1407/2013)).
In short, a Business / Organisation cannot receive more than 200,000 euros of discretionary aid in any three-year period, and has to declare all such relief to the Council.
Most small businesses will not receive much (or any) discretionary aid (which does not include reductions such as Small Business Rate Relief). Larger businesses may when the total for all premises they have is added together.